Spilled Milk: The Official Archive

Funky strips both new and not-so-new live here, but only the last few are displayed. Check the Old Strip Collection at the bottom for more.

And I LOVE feedback.

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Murray in the Middle

I don't post here very often, which makes me quite sad. This used to be a huge hobby of mine, and I just don't take the time to make it happen, anymore.

I'm always writing and thinking up and sketching out strip ideas, though. That reflex, it turns out, is still there...and it comes out when I'm bored and have a pen(cil) and paper at my disposal. Which is often.

This strip explores the feelings of our pets when faced with the recent addition of our son Bryan.

Murray sure was mopey, tired and jealous, early on. 2 months later, he's...well, a bit better. Still wants more attention, but that's just Murray being Murray.

Bailey has become a serene little critter over the past 6 months or so. He's really mellowed, to the point where I don't think his younger, scheming, evil ways are really where his character's at, right now. Bailey is a wise, old, long-eared curmudgeon. Finally, he's come into his own.

And Bryan? He's awesome. I'm sure he'll pop up in future strips...if I ever get around to posting more, that is!

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Only Fair

It's a baby strip! There are are more strips on the way, so check back, soon!

I wrote and drew this one off the top of my head.

They really do have a Turkey Tetrazzini flavor.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Taking Matters into Her Own Hands

I wanted to post something, and have been doodling a lot lately without actually finishing any new strips. This one probably wouldn't fit into any syndicator's strip measurements...

...though it could be a Sunday strip. Maybe.

Anyway, this is the World Wide Web, where you can post your own comic strip in any way you damn well please.

Here's one I scribbled down, tonight. Hope you get the joke that I'm fiercely opposed to President Bush and conservative politics in general.

I should've had Actual Melissa (TM) write the text, though. Just to really hit home that "this really happened and she really drew it" vibe.

Anyway, enjoy. I'm writing baby strips all the time...and I wish I had a tape recorder on me at all times so I could make strips out of Real Life Conversations (TM) between Miss and me...but there's no constant tape rolling, and spare time is increasingly more rare as I'm getting old and tired. Forgive me, I'll update again as soon as I can.

Monday, August 20, 2007


A quick, oddly-colored strip, once again based on an actual conversation between Melissa and me.

Just so happened, I was already doodling her at the computer when she started the dialogue...

...so, enjoy!

Anyone hoping for a baby-related strip, they're on the way. Anyone NOT hoping for one of those, you lucked out! I'll try to break them up a little once they DO kick in.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Murray Turns 3!

I wanted to commemorate Murray's 3rd birthday with a fun strip, featuring some prospective party guests of his upcoming Birthday Luau.

He does sneeze a lot, so the joke was pretty easy to figure out. I had an alternate punchline, which featured Cartoon Tony saying, "Well. Then. This is yours" to Cartoon Murray, and the little birthday dog responding with either, "I got my wish!" or "Best. Birthday. Ever."

Melissa, when shown the sketches, liked the original punchline (the one you see above), because it's silly that anyone would still offer the dog booger-covered cake to guests.

This one was hard to lay out, because I wanted to fit in a lot of guest toons. If you think it's you, it's probably you. If you aren't in there...well, I just didn't get around to doodling you. Sorry.

Below is a better look at the original sketches of the guests. Some are way off or too large in comparison to the others...and had to be touched-up while putting the strip together.


Old Strip Collection

About the Artist

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Writer-producer Tony Sadowski is happy to bring you this glimpse into the everyday life of a new dad.